Common scenarios in Workday

This is a list of common scenarios and quick steps that need to be taken in Workday.  These steps presume that you are familiar with common Workday business processes such as searching for faculty members, launching Job Changes, and updating academic appointments.

Scenario #1.  Converting a faculty member from a non-ladder appointment (e.g. research scientist/scholar, visiting professor, lecturer, etc.) to a ladder appointment.

Procedure:  This will involve ending the primary appointment, adding the new appointment, and a Job Change.  Reference the Workday guides, Academic: Managing Appointments and Job Changes for Academics, section titled, “Appointment Change: Change in Track Instructions.”

Note:  If you’re not sure which track to use for the new appointment, reference the Workday guide, Academic Tracks, Reason Codes, and Menu Options.


Scenario #2. Paying an Emeritus faculty member to teach a course.


1) Search for the faculty member in Workday. 

2) Review the FTE, Annual Work Period (AWP), and Disbursement Plan Period (DPP) to determine if they align with the teaching period. 

a) If any of these need to be changed, submit a Job Change.  Reference the Workday guide, Job Changes for Academics, section titled, “Change Other Appointment Details”.   The Job Change will also allow adding or changing the compensation as the last step.

b) If these items align, but the compensation is either empty or incorrect, submit a Request Compensation Change.  Reference the Workday guide, Manage Compensation (Academic).

Notes: All emeritus faculty members have a primary appointment as Emeritus Faculty.  This should remain.  A separate academic appointment is not required for teaching.