Instructions for faculty leave requests using Hyland OnBase

Submitting Leave Requests

Click on the relevant link below to access the leave request form.  Note: If you are fully joint with FAS or SEAS and a professional school, you will need to complete a form for each school. 

Note:  A confirmation of your submission will be sent to you via email.

FAS/SEAS Form:  FAS / SEAS Leave Application Form

Professional Schools (non-Med) Form:  Professional Schools Leave Application Form

School of Medicine FormYSM Leave Application Form 

Changing, Correcting, or Cancelling Leave Requests

If the form has not yet been approved, the school dean or department chair can return the leave request form to the faculty member to change, correct, or cancel by clicking the button, “Request More Information from Faculty Member.”

To change or correct the request, the faculty member

  1. makes the changes to the form,
  2. scrolls down to the bottom of the form to click the Save button, then
  3. scrolls to the top of the form to click the submit button.

To cancel the request, the faculty member clicks the button, “Cancel Leave Request,” at the top of the form.

Please send questions to Diane Rodrigues at, or you may call her at 203-436-1697.