Allow applicants to apply to your search

You must do the following final edits after completing the six set-up steps in order for applicants to be able to apply online.

Final Edits: complete these steps. 

  • These final edits steps help and allow applicants to apply 

    • Click on Position Actions, upper right corner

    • Select, Edit Position

    • Under “This Position is:” section, enter the Open date

    • Set a close date using the Specific Date under Deadline.  The best practice is  to set a close date a year out from the open date.  Note, this is a hard stop and will prevent anyone from submitting an application on the specific date choosen.  This close date can and should be assigned  before the position is closed to archive.

    • Set the “Apply Now” page to now published

    • Under “Position Status:”  section set an initial status for your position to Accepting Applications

      • this status needs to  be changed to the other position statuses as search progresses. This can be done from drop down change menu or via Edit Position.  Using the Edit Position will allow you to modify the status properties.

    • A way to see if these steps are done correclty is to see if your position is listed on the Academic Job Listings, Office of the Provost site

Obtain the Position URL - (the link).

  • This URL is IMPORTANT.  Use this link for the required and proper ADVERTISEMENT(S) of the search.  NOTE: Interfolio is not a form of advertisement.
  • The two ways to get this unique position url link, both are from the Application List page:

  1. Click the Edit Position and under Position Actions - upper right. Under “This Position is:” section, the last line will be the position url (i.e. http:/ /

  2. Click the View Position Details  and under Position Actions, select, , on the pop up window, the Position URL will be listed. i.e. http:/ /

*Note: All Medical School positions need to be approved by OAPD, fka: YSM,Faculty Affairs Office, as well as all FAS units will need approval by Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Dean’s Office.  Hence, you will need to click the Edit Position from the Position Actions upper right on the Applicant List screen to do the post set-up edits noted above.