Below are screen shots if needed while working through the six setup steps. Fields that have a red asterisk * indicate these fields require information to be entered.
Step 1 - Description & Dates
Position Title: is a field that is required. Give a title that is clear and meaningful to applicants and is concise and distinguishable from year to year to help meet your needs.
The other required fields are : Location; Position Type; Position Opens; Position Description
The Deadline, enter a Specific Date to close the search a year from the open date. This date can be edited to an earlier date when needed. For example, if the search stage is past reviewing applications, you may want to set a close date that aligns better with the search segments. Please note, this is a hard stop and no one will be able to apply after this date.
The following sections: Qualifications and Application Instructions are not required fields. However if the job description is separated into these sections, they can help applicants easily identify important aspects that meet the requirements of the position.
Examples for Qualifications might be: Ph.D. required by date of hire; must have xxxx certification.
Examples for Application Instructions might be: Please provide, C.V. cover letter , research statement, three letters of recommendations; Review of applications will be begin on September 30, 2018; Please contact the department at.. or enter the website address.
The Equal Employment Opportunity Statement is always listed for all positions in Interfolio. No need to enter anything in this area.
Step 2 - Required Documents
This step is necessary so applicants can upload the materials that have been requested of them in the Description of step 1. NOTE: all requirements will need to be fulfilled in order for applicants to submit their application. So confirm with the search chair what is required up front. For instance, for the first round of reviews maybe all that will be requested is just a C.V., cover letter and Names of their reference writers.
Click the Add Requirement button - the Add Document Requirement window will pop-up.
Select from the drop down list:
the Document Type: i.e. C.V., Cover Letter, Research Statement and Confidential Letter of Recommendation or Evaluation, etc.
Next, enter the Number Required, 1,1,1, and 3 respectively,
Enter a Requirement Note , if needed, to give further instruction or explanation.
NOTE: If the search is only asking for a list of names a references, not letters of recommendation for the initial round, choose the Document Type: Contact Reference and Number Required; 1 and put in a Requirement Note to say - Please upload a document listing three names and their contact information.
ANOTHER EXAMPLE: When a search is for an open rank position, required documents may need to be optional (or not required) for some applicants and required for others. In this case, the request for letters of recommendation will need to be fulfilled by non-tenured applicants but not required for tenured applicants. Follow the step below to set this document type to optional and to add a requirement note with detailed instruction.
Click the Add Requirement button - the Add Document Requirement window will pop-up.
Select from the drop down list:
Document Type: Confidential Letter of Recommendation or Evaluation.
Next, enter any Number Required.
Enter a Requirement Note to give further instruction or explanation - i.e. If you are a non-tenured applicant, please provide three letters of recommendation. This requirement may be skpped if your current rank is tenured.
Save/Update, the position
GO BACK to Edit Position. Select Required Documents line item and use the edit pencil and change the number required to numeral 0 (zero). Save. This requirment is now set as optional. (From the example above, you should now see a zero instead of the numeral 3 next to the document type - Confidential letter of recommendation. Note: Although this required document is now optional, it is also unlimited on the number of letters one can enter.)
Step 3 - Evaluation Settings
This is a nice feature, not required, but at least one criterion needs to be entered so the option, Ratings, will be made available to the search committee members to use.
Click the + Add Criterion
Add the name of the criterion in the pop window. Best to keep it short and on a topic that is meaningful for committee member to rate the applicants. Some examples are Scholarshiop, Teaching and Reasearch.
Blind Review - Be sure the checkbox is checked until the search committee meets and wants to share each other’s comments and ratings.
Step 4 - Application Forms
For now, you can just skip this step and click continue or return to overview. The EEO Form is standard on all positions.
Step 5 - Search Committee
Add the members of the search committe at this step. If the committee is not known or only partially know, you can return back to this step to add members.
Click the + Add Member button and search for the name and add. It a name is not found, contact for assistance.
Click on this link for detailed steps and more information.
Step 6 - Internal Notes
This sections is private, only viewable by unit administrators and never seen by applicants.
On this page, the School of Medicine is required to enter the RFP# in the Position ID or Requisition Number field. Please contact the FAS Dean’s Office for guidance on what needs to be entered in the other fields.
For all other schools, the page is optional. But, it is useful to add notes, espcially if a title of a search repeats year after year with the same name. A note can be entered to help distinguish a search from one year to the next.
The Step After the 6 Steps - the final edits
This step is required. Be sure to
- set the Open Date of your search,
- set the “Apply Now” page to now published (this will provide the position URL for your advertisement) and
- set the Postion Status to Accepting Applications.
If the positions you create go for approval, you will need to do these final edits after approval is granted. For more details, follow this link to allow applicants to apply. The following three parts of the position: open date, published and an active position status is necessary in order for the position to be posted on the Academic Job Listings site. It is also required to have a close date set for no longer than one year from the open date.