Interfolio - Editing a Case

Editing a Case - Interfolio

A case is the packet of all materials collected for the candidate’s reappointment or promotion. This packet, case, is prepared for certain people (committees) to review the materials throughout a process that goes through a series of steps in order to discuss and/or vote on a reappointment, promotion or an appointment to a position here at Yale. 

It is important to know there is a Candidate packet section and the Internal Case section with two areas.  This design helps when uploading materials after a case is created.  All required documents, can be from the candidtate as well as from the department and will need to be upload into the case.   Note, if you need to add another section, contact your dean’s or Provost’s office or for assistance to be sure the new section is added properly. 

The three areas:

  1. Candidate Packet area :  this is where the Candidate Document section for the required materials get uploaded by the candidate or by the unit administrator.  As noted - Any materials added to the candidate packet area will be visible to the candidate and available for them to use in their current case. The candidate will be able to replace or delete any files in an unlocked section before they submit.  Therefore, Do NOT put files in this area that should not be seen by the candidate. 

  2. Committee Documents:  files in this area can be seen only by members of the committees, not the candidate.  This area resides in the Internal Case Section.

  3. External Evaluations: files in this area can only be seen by members of review committees, again not the candidate.  This  is also the area to request external evaluations so that when an external evaluator replies, their document will go directly into this area. This area resides in the Internal Case Section.

As an administrator for you unit(s), you will see all documents all of the time regardless of the document settings. 

Adding Files to a Case

(NOTE: The following kinds of files: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .ppt, .pptx, .html. are accepted when uploading documents by a department administrator.  Visit Interfolio support for more file types)

  • Log in via

  • Click Cases under the Reappointment, Promotion & Tenure section on the left side.

  • Click on the candidate’s name for whom the document needs to be uploaded.

  • Click +Add File on the line of the section to where the file should be uploaded.  This opens the Add Document and browse pop-up window.

  • Click Browse or Drag and drop the file.  When the file is brought into this little window, you will have option to re-titled the file name before adding it.   Note: Files uploaded by the candidate, cannot be changed or deleted.  If  you need a certain format for document titles, contact your Dean’s office to see what options you may have before asking the faculty member to change it.

  • Click Save.

Editing Case Review Steps-Interfolio

As an example, the one step that will need to be updated and replaced with the correct committee, is the FAS Dean - Vote Results.  For the most part,  Case Review Steps have been pre-defined in your templates so changes and updates should not have to happen.  But if a change is needed, do the following:

  • Replace, the placeholder committee with correct committee either, FAS Dean (Dept Vote -Yes) or FAS Dean (Dept Vote - No).  
  • Delete, the placeholder committee once the correct on is place.   

These committee review steps are in a pre-designed order to help you move the case forward and to follow along the steps for promotion process.  

  • Click, Save & Continue button
When the times arrives for you to upload the results of the Department Vote, you can follow these instructions to edit the case and add the correct FAS Dean (Dept Vote - xx) committee to match the vote results.
  1. Click View Cases.
  2. Click the candidate’s name for whom you need to edit.
  3. Click the pencil icon to edit the case - upper right.
  4. Scroll down to the Case Review Steps and click Edit.
  5. Located the FAS Dean (Dept Vote – Results) step and click the edit pencil.
  6. Click the + Add Committee button, lower right on the edit step window.
  7. In the Select or search for an existing committee box, type FAS Dean to pull up either FAS Dean (Dept Vote – Yes) or FAS Dean (Dept Vote – No) from the drop-down list to choose the appropriate committee and click the + Add button.
  8. Removed the placeholder committee, via the “x” .
  9. Click the “x” upper right on the Edit Step window to save your changes.
After editing and adding the committee name that identifies the vote result, click Return to Case.  If you haven’t done so already, upload the vote form document using the instructions for adding files.
After you review the case packet send the case forward to the next step which should be the FAS Dean (Dept Vote  - Results).